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Paella Fest
around the world

Valencia 2021 (Spain)

Paella Fest sent their chefs further than the international final in Sueca. We sent
them to World Paella Day where one of our winners in the US won the desired prize among
Spaniards in Valencia. There is an amazing talent in the US!

Gandía 2021 (Spain)

If Sueca is the podium of the best paella chefs, Gandia is the one for fideua! This
other delicious Spanish dish has its own international contest and Paella Fest
helped to bring the best participants around the globe.

Sueca 2021 (Spain)

Our winner in the US traveled to the International Final of paella in Sueca and
Paella Fest made this festival possible too! What a unique experience to be
among the best chefs in the world who cook paella in their hometowns.

San Miguel de Allende 2019 (Mexico)

We couldn’t forget the king country of paellas in America! Paella Fest landed in
the heart of Mexico with a very special welcome to all paella lovers.

Washington D.C. 2019

Our very first PaellaFest took place in the nation’s capital!  Washington D.C.
hosted the first edition of our unique paella competition in the spirit of the Feria
de Sevilla. It was the first successful start for many more to come.